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  • Quality control in the design process of aluminum alloy forgings

    According to the guardian of aluminum alloy forging was informed that the forging drawing is the basic technical document forging of the production process,production and acceptance of forgings is the main and direct basis. It not only fullyreflects the requirements of drawings on the forging products, but also reflect the main forming method, have been selected for the other processes (such as heat treatment, surface cleaning etc.), processing method and the test method.According to its design, determine the die forging blank size, the formulation offorging process and acceptance of forging, machining workshop is according to theforging drawing to design fixture. Aluminium alloy forging Fang said the followingmain points of quality control of forging drawing.

    (1) the design basis; forging drawing is based on product parts diagram, based onthe research of the forging process of the finished product, parting surface selection, machining allowance, forging tolerances, process block, draft, fillet radiusto consider and make. Mainly based on the following aspects:

    The guardian said the forging of aluminum alloy main technical requirements forproduct drawing and design material; the forging technology standards and quality control documents, the special requirements of the forging on mechanicalprocessing, mechanical machining allowance requirements and processing the datum plane is responsible for the formulation of the machining process ofdepartment shall put forward; the forging workshop of existing equipment andprocess capability; the general standard of mechanical drawing on the national standards and enterprise internal.

    (2) quality control of the basic content of forging drawing; the forging drawingshould be marked forging title, product model, drawing No., part name, alloy, heat astate, each forging processing of parts number, single and left-right part, drawingratio and drawing number revision, and shall check the correct no error. Theselection of appropriate position of a parting surface, and indicate the flow directionaccording to the requirements of parts drawing.

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