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  • Aluminum buckle ceiling selection matters needing attention

    To avoid aluminum buckle ceiling fall occurs, deformation, loosening of the aluminum alloyforging, expressed the need to pay attention to during the installation, the so-called "three points, seven points of construction", aluminum buckle before installation of the ceiling:

    The installation order: kitchen installation aluminum buckle ceiling, the first fixed hose fluesmoke lampblack machine, to determine the location, and then install the ceiling; aluminum alloy forging Fang said the bathroom need to install the Yuba and exhaust fan, and finally theinstallation of ceiling.

    Size: the size and position of lamps and lanterns, Yuba and appliance told the workers in advance, in order to determine the chandelier hole position, Yuba keel is to install or self-madewood.

    Installation position: appliance location can not be installed in the ceiling of the casual, avoid the exhaust fan, Yuba and lamp directly mounted on the plate or the keel, generally recommend direct reinforcement at the top, to prevent because of heavy load anddeformation drop ceiling.

    Material: Aluminum gusset plates of different shapes with different keel, aluminium alloyforging Fang said that aluminous gusset plate generally square with light steel keel, aluminumplate strip using aluminum or galvanized keel keel keel; trend according to the construction plan, the top hole depth should be 3-4cm, to prevent damage to the top surface of the wires and waterproof layer.

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